August 1, 2022

Life at WeShape - July

Life at WeShape - July

Last month, the WeShape team got up to quite a lot, as we tend to do every month! More new starters, team dinners, unconscious bias training and London DevOps all took place in July. We also celebrated director Chris Monticolombi’s birthday on our office space’s rooftop. It’s safe to say that we were very busy and had a lot of fun.

Firstly, I would like to give a very warm welcome to our new Operations Manager, Mas, who joined us in early July. We’re very excited to have her on board. The Ops team has now expanded from two (Patrick Morton and myself, Isabella) to three! Since starting, Mas has learnt a lot and has had ‘the best first month ever with the team!’. 

Speaking of Ops, the Ops team enjoyed a lovely dinner at Hispania, a Spanish restaurant in the City. The dinner was to welcome our new team member Mas, but also to celebrate two huge achievements that all of us here at WeShape are extremely proud of…

We are really pleased to announce we are one of just 700 B-Corp certified companies in the UK. Big props to our ops team for their work on this over the past year. B-Corp is a way of certifying a businesses B-impact score against Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers. WeShape attained an incredible score of 91.5. (80 Qualifies for B Corp Certification, and 50.9 is the Median Score for Ordinary Businesses). Find out more about WeShape’s B-Score here

We are also happy to announce that after a rigorous audit and certification process, WeShape is now ISO27001 certified! Now more than ever, cyber security is a top priority for us, our customers, and our Associates. We believe all of our stakeholders should trust that we handle their data with the utmost care, and through this certification, we show that we uphold the highest security standards available.

We hope that through these two certifications, all our stakeholders will trust even more in our commitment to tackle climate change, help protect our planet but also our stakeholder’s safety through stringent cyber security measures. 

Our Business Development Lead, Eden, who has also taken the role of heading up D&I (Diversity and Inclusion)  here at WeShape  organised some unconscious bias training for the core team last month. Anjum and  X came to the WeShape office to teach us all about unconscious bias: what it means, the different types, why it happens, and what actions we can put in place to reduce the effects our unconscious biases can have on our judgments. All of us here at WeShape learnt a lot and found the training extremely insightful, thank you very much Eden!

In July, we also had our quarterly associate drinks on our rooftop bar. It’s excellent to see so many new faces and really get to know the people we speak to on a daily basis. The associate drinks are a great opportunity for the core team to meet and get to know our associates, but also a fantastic way for them to meet one another. As most of our consultant’s work is conducted remotely, sometimes they work together on the same projects without having met one another. At WeShape we strongly believe in the importance of having a team ethos, even in roles that are more individualistic.

Lastly, London Devops took place at Funding Circle’s HQ in the city, earlier last month. London DevOps was created as a chance for those working in the DevOps to meet fellow minded individuals, from people that have been doing DevOps for a long time to new starters. We were joined by speakers Andrew Hardie, who spoke about Observability and Mark Hollands, who discussed Funding Circle's DevOps Journey. Thank you both for joining us. The panel was followed by some Q&A time, then a chance to meet new people and discuss everything DevOps!

Thanks for reading! If you are interested in working at WeShape, we have live vacancies! Head over to

Work For Us to find out more!

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About the Author
Isabella Perrin-Fernandez
Isabella Perrin-Fernandez

Isabella is the operations assistant at WeShape and enjoys reading and writing in her free time. As our team expanded, we believed it would be a fun idea to document what we get up to each month, alongside some pictures and a few questions ('get to know the team'). We hope you enjoy these monthly posts from Isabella.

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