November 30, 2022

Movember interview with Vic Williams

Movember interview with Vic Williams

At WeShape, we acknowledge and understand the importance of men’s health; physical and mental. Therefore, we decided to focus on some of our male colleagues to find out more. This week, we interviewed Vic Williams:

Q) What do you regard as the greatest challenge for men's health?

Suicide is the biggest killer for young men and I feel this comes from boys being socialised from a young age to not show any emotion and keep feelings to themselves. The stigma against male vulnerability needs to be removed if this is to change.

Q) Do you have any tips for men's health?

I always feel better when I share anything that’s bothering me with my friends or family. I’m lucky to have a support network that I can always rely on. I’d definitely struggle if I didn’t have an outlet so my advice is to make sure you open up to others and there’s nothing wrong with being vulnerable. I subscribe to the old age of a problem shared is a problem halved. I’d also advise men not to be too hard on themselves if things go wrong - show yourself the same empathy you would to one of your friends.

Q) What does Movember mean to you?

I first started doing Movember about 10 years ago and I think it’s an easy way to start conversations on men’s health. This year someone noticed my moustache in the lift at work and asked me if it was for Movember - every year more and more people are aware of it. Also, I quite like having a moustache so it’s a good excuse to grow one!

At WeShape, we are supporting Vic doing the Movember challenge and will match donations made (up to £500 total). Click the link here to donate.

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About the Author
Charlotte Hamilton
Charlotte Hamilton

Charlotte is the social media assistant at WeShape. She has a 2:1 BA in English Literature and enjoys reading and writing in her free time. The Life at WeShape blogs are a fun way to get to know us once a month!

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